
Showing posts from 2011

Commuinty Fest Lonon Family 2011

Understanding Church Leadership in such a time as this!

I have to Blow the Horn. Attention children of God! For about 2 month I've been taken online Bible Classes. (FREE) at Christian Courses. My knowledge of the Bible and God’s plan for me has empower me to get understand. I thank God for CC. Online Bible Study it’s the Answered prayer I needed to encourage and build leadership in me Today. In such a time as this nobody got time train, just teaching. Our conflict is time, “train up” a child (children of God) in the way he/she should go that’s Bible. Why are we Mismanaging the understanding of time. The world understand that time is money and money is time, Right! We must take accountability for mismanagement of God Word’s and God people time too. It comes for using the wrong tool for the job.   First, we must stop re-inventing God presents. God is Love and love is God, Correct. If we love someone we will sacrifice for the other person. That is just part of leadership. Church Up! By looking under our nose at what has already ...

300 eggs

The Family has a blast at my Uncle's House. The Kids has about 300 eggs to find. Happy Easter because Jesus has risen. God bless America.

Awesome Time at Eggzapalooza

The Lonon Boys has an awesome time at Evangel Temples, Wichita Falls' Eggzapaloza. Thank you Jesus for saving us.

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Lonon Boyz Sports weekend

Both my son's Andrew & Timothy had sports games last weekend. They both won their games. It's a joy to watch my son play sports. Good is 2 good to mr! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Jesus bargin books

I was at Books a million last week end and the had new Christian books $4 to $10 on sales. The had TD Jakes to Joyce Meyers and many more of top ministy pastors. Go check it out! Jesus centered book never get old. I love Book!!! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Photo marker Flare

A photo I took with my camera of a punch of Markers in my Art Class. I edited the photo to give it a Artist Flare!

Big Daddy Chill

Just call me Big Daddy chill at the the Crib (House)

My Son Like wrestling

Photo Manipulation of my Son Andrew with his favorite Wrestler done in Photoshop.

My Son's World

Photo manipulation of my son Timothy with the world in his hand done in Photoshop.

Daughter with Doves

Photo manuplation of my daugther with doves. Done with Photoshop.

Kingdom Fit (StairMaster Time)

Wow, going on 12 weeks of working out. God has given me the courage to take back what the devil has tryed to take from me, My Health. God be the Glory! Today is StairMaster and alittle back work out. I want to encourage you over 40 to get your kingdom Fit on and poppin'. God is not final doing the greater work that lay dormate within you. God need you in such a time as this look at the news. Nothing but death, God has give us life and he wants us to use it to it's fullest. Ask Jesus in to your life and he will give you the Holy Spirit to God's will to love the unlovable. It's D.O. Time for the Church to be the Children of God. Get Kingdom Fit! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Daddy Strong (school lunch)

(tacobell & powerade) Eating lunch with my youngest Son Andrew. This is the first time with any of my 3 children. I need to make is a comitment to do this all the time with all my children. Tomorrow I get to do it again with my older son Timothy. The boys will be easy but Renee my 7th grader could be difficult. We'll see:) - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

iTrip for your Car

iTrip for your car stero will let you play an MP3 Music player through your radio. Awesome Walmart for $50
Timothy and Andrew at the Store practicing to be models. Holla, if you need some awesome young men to model your clothes. Moma and Daddy are their Managers.

Little League Time!

Timothy is playing little league baseball. This is some serious baseball playing. We have at least 3 practice a week. I guess you get what you play for. Go Carnails.

Future Children Pastor

Renee will one day make an awesome children Pastor because she love children and she love to teach. She's already about "The Cause". Loving the unlovable. Greater Works of of God's Kingdom.


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Get Down and Get Dirty

Sermon Message 2/13/2011 Evangel Temple Wichita Falls, TX Pastor Kile Bateman "Get Down and Get Dirty" Matthew 15:9-13 (NIV) 9 They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’[a]” 10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. 11 What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.” 12 Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?” 13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. ________________ The "Down and Dirty" Disciples: 1.) Get Close 2.) Get Tough 3.) Get Planted - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

R.A. Torrey the Man of Prayer


How to Pray

Wow, I have this Book "How To Pray" by R.A. Torrey on my iPhone. It so good i had to go to Mardel and pick it up. I'm going to breaking it down.  This Guy Torrey has heighten my understanding on how to pray. I want to encourage you who want to learn how to pray affectively go out and get the book. 

Pocket Prayer (Work)

I found this prayer from Pocket Prayer iPhone app and think it's worth to share with you Work Heavenly Father, I am sorry for not recognizing Your answer to my prayer when it didn't turn out the way I thought it would. Forgive me when I grumble about my life and let me see things from Your perspective. Help me to see Your goodness and Your purpose in the job that You have given to me. God's Promise This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 Sent from my iPhone

Teamwork makes the Dreamwork

This book, "Teamwork makes the DreamWork"is really good. I like, How to "C" your way into better teamwork! I picked up mine for $1.00 @ mardel. I love picking up dollar book. Priceless. " Together we can do the impossible" - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Message: "Dream That Refresh"

Evangel Temple Church 2011 Wichita Falls, Texas Pastor Kile Bateman Message: "Dream That Refresh" Genesis 37:16-19 (NIV) 16) He relied, "I'm looking for my brothers. Can you tell me where they are grazing their flocks?" 17) "They have moved on from here, " the man answered. "I heard them say, 'Let's go to Dothan.'" so Joseph went after his brothers and found them near Dothan. 18) But they saw him in the distances, and before he reached them, they plotted to kill him. 19) "Here comes that dreamer!" they said to each other. God is looking for Dreamers who are willing to: 1.) Seek Out 2.) Step Out 3.) Strike Out I want to encourage the body of believers to please invest in your future by purchasing the Pastors Anointed Messages on CD. Create your media library with powerful messages that will bless and edify you and your family for generations.