
God's Promises with Bible Gateway

  Dig More into the BibleGateway Study CLICK HERE 2 Peter 1:4 4 by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. Philippians 4:6 - Philippians 4:9 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. John 3:16 For God So Loved the World16 “For God so loved the world, tha

Laugh a Little

Find humor in everyday situations, even if it's just giggling at your own bad hair day. I need to break out the Clipper ASAP!

Get Better not Bitter World

  The Power of Blogging: Sharing Principles and Insights for a Better World In the digital age, the power of sharing knowledge and insights cannot be overstated. Blogging has emerged as a potent platform for disseminating information, principles, and personal insights that can influence public opinion and inspire action. It's a tool that empowers individuals to contribute to the global conversation, advocate for change, and share valuable knowledge. The beauty of blogging lies in its accessibility and reach. Anyone with internet access can start a blog and share their thoughts with the world. This democratization of information has led to a proliferation of voices and perspectives, enriching the global dialogue. Through blogging, complex principles can be broken down into relatable content, making it easier for people to understand and engage with important issues. Moreover, blogging serves as a catalyst for change. By providing a platform for discussion and exchange, blogs can uni

Find your "New Balance" now in the United States of America pt1.

These questions have been prompted by the Power of God (Holy Spirit) to help us PEOPLE get understanding in all getting!  [ME] You understand economics as the impact on economies. Now that the United States is no longer linked to Saudi Arabia, what are some of the immediate results that will be seen by citizens of the United States? [CHAT]     The disengagement between the United States and Saudi Arabia could have several immediate economic impacts on U.S. citizens: Oil Prices : The U.S. has historically relied on Saudi oil, and any changes in this relationship could affect oil prices and, consequently, gas prices at the pump. Defense and Security : The U.S. has been a major defense supplier to Saudi Arabia. Changes in this relationship might impact the defense industry and related jobs in the U.S. Trade Balance : The U.S. had a goods-and-services trade surplus with Saudi Arabia. A shift in trade dynamics could affect this balance . Currency Impact : Saudi Arabia’s decision to sell oil

Cool Beanie Hat

I like the new style or trend of beanies hats #MyGoodStuff

My phone 2 Blogger!

It works plus I get to save time!  #MyGoodStuff

Another Great Audio Book

Imagine if…. We need more GROWTH, no more LIFE! 

Proud Daddy Despite!!!

I'm a proud despite my son Timothy will have to miss football this season. He has shown courage and strength through it all. We talked an agreed that he would still particapate with the team as if he was playing. I encouraged him learn the game and positions. Be a student coach on the side line to help his teammates see the game. This will give him an advantage when he returns. A coach talked me about Timothy and how he was so impress that he would still be there for his teammates. I was so proud in that moment. #DaddyStrong

Great Day with TobyMac and the Diverse City Band

Great day I got to see God's hand guiding my life to where he want me and need to be to be. It was a joy to to meet TobyMac and the band, but it was the guitar player brother Tim who God used to touch my Life and give me encouragement and hope for the future and God's good and perfect will for my life. Thank you Tim for you faithfulness and obedience to do God's will. Children live have been changed.

My Big Brother JD

My Big Brother in Christ JESUS is the first REAL MAN (aka Godly Man) to ever "GO" buy me a BIBLE. I know it was the Holy Spirit guiding him to do it. God is showing me through this experience that he's in the restoring heart business. God loves Him Children! God is too Good to Me! Thanks Big Brother JD

Congrads Timothy at the sports banquet

Wow, let the letting begin. My son Timothy is on his journey to becoming a big time athlete. I thank God daily for him and my other two children that I get to be apart of the victories and losses. A real Family is a Force!!!